Swinney Goes

John Swinney, SNP leader has finally stepped down. Really was about time – the SNP have had no better opportunity against Labour than in the last year, yet their share of the vote has still dropped. Swinney had no charisma or leadership qualities but did stike me as an honest and hard working guy. With any luck they’ll get a leader with a bit more drive, but looking at the list of candidates it’s hard to see where from unless Alex Salmond stands again which is unlikely. And I can’t see the nippy sweetie getting elected and heaven help them if the Star Trek geek becomes their leader.

The worlds most intelligent community is…

Glasgow. How bizarre. Especially when you compare this news to the list of the most deprived areas in Scotland. The top ten are all in….Glasgow. Definetly looks like an us and them attitude – pretty poor that the council spokesman gets all excited about some crap broadband award but fails to speak on the poverty issue.

As an aside, the website detailing the poorest places (called the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD)) is actually very impressive. Requires a plugin but well worth the 2 meg download, although I can think of far better ways of spending the exec’s money.

Ghost Town

Voted yesterday in the Euro elections. First time in the new house. I couldn’t believe how quiet it was – the guy taking my name was checking off those who had voted and from what I could see there was only 5 or 6 names ticked out of around 30 on a page and this was at 7:30PM. Shocker. We reckoned in the office that someone only needs around 1 in 10 people to vote for them to get elected. Thats 1 in 10 of the whole population, not just those that voted. Yikes. Looking at the results, thankfully the BNP have taking a kicking and it looks like Labour have suffered badly – and finally they are admitting it’s due to Iraq. The tories must be kicking themselves – the first time in years that they get to turn the knife into Labour and the UKIP turn up and nab some of their vote. Stop laughing at the back.

Good to see Libdem’s gaining also – might reduce some of the snide comments Charles Kennedy has had to put up with.

Orange Walk

Why were they walking last Saturday? In fact, why do they walk. They attract nothing but trouble wherever they go – most of the folk walking alongside are pissed out of their heads. Its about time the marches were stopped for good. A few months ago a Sunday Herald article took the head of the Orange Order in Scotland to task for the disruption and police costs that the marches cause. He argued that it wasn’t the lodge members but those that chose to march with the Order – he also said they were in the majority.

Well sorry, but thats just bollocks. Saturdays march involved around 8-10 bands. Before they set off around 50-60 men decided they had to relieve themselves before starting. Did they find toilets. Did they hell. Jumped into an office complex and relieved themselves against walls, doors and cars. Were they hangers on – nope. Suited and booted with Orange sashes. And the police just watched. I cannot wait to move from this area – hopefully Saturday is the last time I need to listen to the drum at 8:30AM.

Glasgow Bridge Chosen

The council have finally selected the design of a new pedestrian bridge in Glasgow. From a shortlist of six the bridge selected seems to involve the longest walk for a pedestrian…and do we really need another nightclub? Most bizarre is the location – I can only assume its to help with the new finiancial district they are trying to establish. What a waste of public money.

IDS out?

It’s not really fair having a laugh at the Tories – even with Labour as dire as they are they still can’t mount a credible opposition. But is seems IDS is on his way out after a leadership vote was called. I don’t think there’s been a poor opposition leader in recent times, although Foot and Kinnock weren�t too hot. I can’t see IDS hanging on but more depressing for British politics is I can’t see a worthy successor either. Labour for third term?!

Hands Off Yorkhill

Greater Glasgow NHS board are rumoured to be closing firstly the Queen Mum’s Hospital and then Yorkhill Sick Kids. They seem hell-bent in reducing the number of hospitals no matter how good or well renowned they are. A number of online petitions have started to allow people to voice their opposition with the main petition found here at the Evening Times. Please register – it may make a difference.

Appledore Work-In

Appledore Shipyard have started a sit-in to try and save their jobs. As with most ‘events’ these days, theres a blog too. Working in a shipyard myself I’ve seen the industry decline over the years. I can’t remember a year where redundancies haven�t been an issue. I hope Appledore can find a way forward but even though we’re an island nation, the demand for ships and the competition from abroad (including government subsidies) make it tough to justify the small number of yards that are still open in the UK.