Well, E3 has delivered and the PS3 has been unveiled. Spec highlights:
It will support Blu-ray (obviously), DVD±R/W, CD-R/RW
Backwards compatible with the Playstation 2 and original Playstation
One 3.2GHz Cell processor—total system performance rated at 2.18 teraflops and it will have 256MB system RAM 3.2GHz, and 256MB GDDR VRAM at 700MHz
The nVidia graphics will be called the RSX (�?Reality Synthesizer�?), and will trump the Xbox 360 with 1080p graphics support.
There will be a 2.5-inch hard drive (i.e. laptop hard drive) attachment
Memory Stick Duo slot and SD and CF slots
Bluetooth support with up to seven wireless controllers
Six USB system ports
Still early so I’ll post more later – some screens to finish including an amazingly bad looking controller.

Memory Sticks? STILL?
So, how does this stack up against the new Xbox 360?
If you look at the specs, PS3 has better processor, similar graphics, both wireless controllers and both acting (I think) as multimedia hubs with lots of USB2 ports. Both will support hi-def tv’s (LCD for me next year) but the key thing will, as it’s always been, be the software and the infrastructure. Xbox has shown how Live will work in the future, how it will support developeres etc. Sony have said – hers a beast of a machine – go make some games. Thats what it seems like to me.
On paper the PS3 looks stronger, but one look at that controller – what were they thinking? Me being gadget/gamin boy – I’ll be buying a 360 for sure, and more than likely a PS3 – it will be a year or two before we see which is the stronger machine.
As for memory sticks – makes sense as that’s what the PSP uses, although they are pro duo’s. It will be interesting to see what differnece Blu-Ray makes – hi-def movie watching could just be round the corner.
Spec comparison from ign, PS3 first, then Xbox 360 for each component!
Processor 3.2GHz Cell w/ 7 SPEs 2.0 TFLOPS
3.2GHz G5 w/ 3 Cores 1.0 TFLOPS
Memory 256MB XDR @ 3.2GHz 256MB GDDR3 @ 700MHz
512MB GDDR3 @ 700MHz 10MB Embedded DRAM
500MHz ATi
Best Display 1080p Standard Dual Screen Output
1080i Optional Single Screen Output
Network 1000BASE-T Ethernet Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g
100BASE-TX Ethernet Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g
Audio 5.1 Digital
5.1 Digital
Wireless Input x7 on Bluetooth 2.0
x4 on 2.4GHz RF
Storage Removable HDD *TBA
Removable HDD 20GB
Release Spring 2006
November 2005
Dimensions About 13.5″ x 3.25″
About 10.25″ x 2.5″
Interested on your thoughts as to favouring a LCD for your next telly. Personally, living in fear of the dreaded dead pixels means I’m leaning towards a Plasma.
I have ‘The FEAR’TM as well with regards dead pixels. Reason for LCD…the ones I’ve seen and liked, for the same money, seem to have brighter/better pictures. To be honest I’ll be researching for the next 6 months before making a purchase and I’m open to either LCD or plasma.