
I subscribe to quite a few newsletters. I find a good newsletter is something to savour and despite going out to hundreds if not thousands of people it feels more personal. Someone is talking to me rather than me reading their blog post which can feel like reading just another web site…or RSS feed.

However there are two newsletters that really hit the spot and I wanted to highlight them. First is Exponential View by Azeem Azhar. This weekly technology newsletter focusses on AI, electric and future transport and many many more topics. The links shared by Azhar and the stories that he weaves around them are a great way to learn and understand a variety of current and future tech and are always thought provoking. Visit to subscribe.

The second newsletter is quotemail by pixeldiva. This is simply a quote in your inbox every day. So what you may say but I’ve found almost every quote to be of interest but more importantly it’s the narrative of why Ann has selected the quote that gets my brain engaged. I love to not only read the mail but give myself the time and space to think and reflect on the quote and what it actually means. Run, don’t walk, to and subscribe. You won’t regret it.

Any newsletters that you love and would recommend? Comment below or mail or tweet your recommendations.

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