Was gonna grab Windows 7 but didn't. I don't see me lasting changing from XP as I only, really, need it for work purposes (and even then I know there is a Remote Desktop client for OSX now so.. might not even need it for that!).

Interested to see it though. Maybe when I get some free time (ahahahaha).

Mac wise I'm doing my next web project entirely on the MacBook (although I'll be hooking it up to the big screen for the design parts) so if that goes well I'll start to prepare to switch completely (NAS drive in the first instance as I can't quite afford an iMac just yet).

Walking wise it's that kind of thing that makes me wish I had more oomph to get Scottish Blogs going again. Would be easy enough to organise the occasional walk… would also probably help me get out more and get my camera into action… ohh for the time and inclination!

Also, nice wallpaper (with the fish), is that a Win7 thing? (yeah, I know it's sad, I can't help it!)